How I Spent the Pandemic (So Far)

 I’ve missed the seven of you. I know when I started dribble a long, LONG time ago I was writing everyday. And, like, three of you came to need my daily musings to set the correct course for your day. And, those same five of you have whined lamented that my dribbles have been reduced to, well, a dribble. 

So let me just say to the twelve of you: I AM SORRY. 

I am. I’ve missed the two of you, too. 

But now let me catch you up on all the stuff I’ve been doing whilst neglecting the 12,032 of you. 

I wrote a screenplay with my buddy, Charlie. But even before we wrote one we talked about the audacity of believing we could write a thing that would ever end up on the big screen. I mean, who the fuck are we to think we could break into the movie business, right?

And that’s when the idea took root.

We are two old dudes who have no business thinking we could create something from nothing using our clickity click click keyboards. 

So I suggested to Charlie that we bring the lot of you along with us for the ride. And he said, but they’re people and I hate people! He’s right. 

You are people. 

But I talked him into it.

So we wrote. Then yelled. Then rewrote. Then yelled some more. Then rewrote again. Then came up with a bunch more ideas. And began writing a few more screenplays followed by, you guessed it, more yelling.

All while working on building a podcast, a website and all the requisite social media accoutrements required of the 21st century creative type. 

Then… we actually finished the first screenplay. And we liked it. A lot. So we entered it into a few competitions and now… we wait.

While we wait we will launch our media empire. And look for representation.

And we write. A lot. Constantly. Except for when we are re-writing. Or recording podcasts. Or yelling.

Or, you know, playing Skyrim.

So do me a favor and bookmark our new website: It’ll launch by September. Along with all the other crap, er, social media.

We may not have any fucking idea what we’re doing, but we know we’re going to have a great time doing it. 

The best part will be having the nine of you along for the ride.

Thanks awesome nerds. For believing. For encouraging. For loving.



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