I keep seeing some variation of the meme/post that goes something like:
If you think food is expensive now just wait til they deport all the people who pick your food.
Usually followed by something about a self-own. And I get the sentiment of wanting to see the people who voted for a hateful, heinous man for president get their taste of schadenfreude. But I think that misses the bigger point.
If the cruelty really is the point of this incoming administration – and I truly believe it is for both the administration (looking at you, Stephen Miller) and MAGA supporters (you’re on the same side as literal Nazis) – then I think something almost unimaginable is afoot when it comes to immigrants and your food.
The day after The Orange Troglodyte™ won the Presidential election private prison stocks skyrocketed because they are expecting to get a whole lot of brown people with Spanish sounding names as their guests very soon.1 Now, this isn’t going to be about the inevitability of US citizens, born and raised in the good ol’ US of A getting swept up in the immigration quagmire (but they will; we have an entire history of examples). 2 No, this is about the 13th Amendment.
The US Constitution applies to everyone within the confines of the United States, yes, even immigrants.3 I know what you’re thinking, cool, there are safeguards in place to protect them. Except that right there in the 13th Amendment of the Constitution there is a little clause that makes it okay to use prisoners as slave… er… free labor. Sure, the prisoner has to have been duly convicted, but we’re dealing with an administration that has made it a habit to wipe his ass with the Constitution and is this time around The Orange Troglodyte™ is going to be surrounded exclusively by sycophants.
So what is the point you’re trying to make, Rudy?
My point, dear reader, is that I fully expect the US government to round up all the brown people it can, imprison them indefinitely while the private prison system bilks the US taxpayer to the tune of an additional $400 MILLION a year. Then I expect those same prisoners who are so good at all the labor nobody else wants to do will be hired out at a steep discount to continue doing the work no red blooded Amurcan has the fortitude to do. When I say hired out, they won’t be the ones getting paid, no. The private prisons will reap the benefits of their slave labor while BigAg gets a steep discount on labor. Food prices stay reasonable while maximizing profits for the agricultural sector. Everybody wins. By everybody I mean the bad guys.
And if this does end up coming to fruition I expect the American people will be content to look the other way. In fact, the incoming administration is banking on US indifference and they have history on their side. Nobody cared when kids were being ripped from their parents the last time The Orange Troglodyte™ was in charge. I mean, who really cares about brown people in cages anyway, right?