I try not to make it a habit to crap on the things I don’t enjoy. I mean other than maybe Bob Dylan’s voice. But I am usually of the mind that if one does not like something one can simply not watch/listen or scroll on past it. So, I never made it a point to say that I am not a fan of Jason Sudekis. It’s nothing personal, I am sure he is a lovely human being… I just never got him. His brand of comedy just isn’t my thing and I always feel like I am watching him play a character as opposed to watching a character as its own entity. Make sense?
So Ted Lasso was never going to be my thing. Not when all my friends bugged the hell out of me about how awesome it was. Not when the people that know me best insisted I would love it. Not when I saw that Juno Temple was a co-star. Not when I became smitten with Hanah Waddingham after watching her perfect French during Eurovision. I was almost swayed when I started seeing reel after reel of Brent Goldstein as Roy Kent in some part because, again, people that know me best said he reminded them of me. Mostly because of his liberal use of the word fuck.
It wasn’t until I was on a boat somewhere off the coast of West Africa that I found myself thinking I may give it a shot. I don’t remember the catalyst that pushed me towatds the show, but I mentioned it to my beautiful bride and she seemed non-commital. So there was that.
My closest friends were pleasantly surprised when I mentioned in a group chat that I was going to watch it.
Some time.
Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle that much Sudekis? LOL, I said.
So I started watching it this week.
It’s not the worst thing in the world.
Honestly, I hate how much I like it… how much I like Sudekis in it.
Sure, I love how Hannah Waddingham makes me feel squiggly inside, and Juno Temple is as ridiculously fucking talented as she is in everything, and there can never be enough Roy Kent. But it’s more than that.
I hate the puns. Jesus, there is fuck-ton of awful, awful puns. But there is also so many movie referenes and that tickles the cinephile in me. More than that, it’s… sweet. I am a cranky and demanding old bastard, I know, but this show makes me gooey inside.
At time when the world feels hell bent on losing it’s damn mind this show makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
I like the way this stupid show with this actor that drives me up a fucking wall makes me feel. Ain’t that some shit?
Now excuse me while I go find yoga group of sixty-year olds to hang out with.