My Politics

Subject to change as I gather new information.

Remember that 80’s song The Politics of Dancing? I remember dancing (badly) to it in junior high school in my Don Johnson, off white suit with the sleeves rolled up. I was smoove.

I won’t pretend I knew any other words than the chorus:

the politics of dancing

the politics of ooohhhhooohhhooohhhhh feeling good

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Beyond that I had no idea what the hell the song was about. I was too busy thinking I looked less like a dork and more like a sex symbol. I was wrong, but that’s not the point.

That song just happened to pop into my head this morning and that lead me down a rabbit hole and got me thinking about my politics. I post a lot of crap on social media about the horrible human being that is The Orange Troglodyte™ and that leads a lot of people to believe I must be a liberal. I guess that makes sense, but I don’t undestand why it’s binary; you’re either a liberal or a conservative.

My politics are simple

I believe the primary function of the government is to do the most good for the most citizens.

Tha’s it.

And citizens are made up of all kinds of kinds (H/T Miranda Lambert). Let them all live. Let them love. Let them… laugh (I apologize, I hate myself for making that joke).

Feed, clothe, and educate the kids in the safest possible environment. Leave women alone. Treat black people with the same dignity we treat white people. Love is love. Healthcare for all. Affordable housing and salries that pay the bills as the starting pay. Oh, and a robust infrastructure. That’s all I really want.

Also, stop demonizing anyone The Orange Troglodyte™ tells you to.

If all of that makes me a liberal, then, okay. I thought it made me a decent human. And maybe it does and people that would disagree with me are too afraid of the realization that, if believing what I believe makes one a decent human then that must make them … well, you know.

Okay, that’s it for today. I hope someone nice touches your butt (if that’s the sort of thing you like and you give consent).

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