When I started this thing I never thought anyone would pay to read the crap that comes out of my brain. So I really have to thank those of you that paid. I’d touch your butt and make you breakfast the next day if I could. Unless, of course, you’re not into breakfast. Consent matters a great deal in all things.
Point is, thank you. It started with a literal dream. Then it became a something on the side while I lived my best life. And honestly, I kind of hate that. Between you and me, I still struggle with a mad case of imposter syndrome, but I am happy to say I am one-hundred percent over that.
Yeah, no I totally laughed when I typed that.
Regardless, I have decided to lean into this whole experience. I love writing and I have to stop letting that voice in my head convince me so damn all the time that nobody cares. Because here’s the thing: even if nobody cares – even when nobody cared – I would still write. I’ve been scribbling nonsense into notebooks longer than I’ve been wiping my own – no, wait, not quite that long. But close.
So I decided to go all in and add a podcast because if I am going to be a cliché (hi my name is Rudy and I’m a wannabe writer in Paris) I am going to go all in. The name was the first thing to come to me. In fact, the name is what prompted me to decide to add a podcast to this little experiment in the first place.
I was on a boat somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic when the news came in that The Orange Troglodyte™ won the goddamn presidency. I stewed and needed an outlet so I made snarky tee shirts and as I was creating one of my masterpieces the phrase chicano in Paris just popped into my head. As it did I thought, “that would be a cool name for a podcast.” And so, voila, a new podcast was born.
Just like that?
Just like that. Sort of. I had no idea what the hell I was going to make it about. I mean, sure, Paris is a great subject matter. And Paris is in the name. But it is also about me. I am, after all, the Chicano part of the equation. And I am more than just the sublime city in which I dwell. So I will give you the lowdown on what it is to live in this glorious city, all the things I love about her, all the cool things to do and avoid on your next visit. I’ll even get into the nitty-gritty of what it’s like to live here rather than just visit. I could talk about Paris all day and I likely will talk about her a lot.
But I also love lots of other things. Gaming. Murder shows. My dog. Sports. Politics. History. Travel. Movies. So. Many. Things.
So here’s what I am proposing: If you’re one of my paid subscribers and are curious about something – Paris, sports, my thoughts on the crisis in Sudan – anything at all, just leave a comment and I’ll get to it on an episode. If you’re not a paid subscriber, why not?
Nah, I’m kidding. You ain’t gotta. I’ll still read/listen to whatever suggestion you throw my way. I just, well, paid subscribers do get my attention first because without them I really wouldn’t be able to do this.
Don’t worry, I also plan on continuing my writing. In fact, I plan on doing that more because I have the time and I decided my resolution for 2025 is world domination.
Thanks for reading and I hope 2025 is the best year of your life. You deserve it. Really.
Oh, and one last thing. Since I was changing the name of the podcast I decided to go ahead and change the name of the entire Substack site. I mean come on, Nobody Eats Spaghetti In Utah? That was so weird you guys. Where did you even come up with a name like that?
That little sound clip is the intro. Lemme know what you think.