Well, This Day Has Arrived

I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but I slept like shit last night. All the anxiety of the last eight years culminating in an another election that is only close because of an antiquated electoral college.

I’ve gotten numerous text messages from friends of their kids voting for the first time. Last week I got a text from a kid I watched grow up after they voted for the first time with their girlfriend. These are all kids I worry about; kids I hope have a country worthy of them after this election.

Each of those kids would have a target on their back if The Orange Troglodyte™ wins. Each of those kids belong in one group or another that TOT™ and his supporters have singled out at one time or another in the last eight years.

As anxious as I am, there is a part of me that would rather feel like this than how I know I will feel if The Orange Troglodyte™ wins. He would enable the worst of the American electorate and their representatives to go out and punch down. He would enable Russia and Israel to continue their horrid behavior on the world stage.He would inherit the strongest economy of any incoming president for the second time in his life, and would no doubt fuck it up for the second time.

But more than anything, I worry about these kids. We’re already leaving them a world that’s in worse shape than the one that was handed off to us. We absolutely cannot leave them to a rapey, racist, traitor, felon. It’s embarrassing that he’s even a viable candidate.

So if you are sitting around there with a knot in your stomach, too, just know that you’re not alone. Be gentle with yourself.

Punch a Nazi if it helps you feel better.

A pole with a sign that says polling station
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